


Self-Financing is bypassing the bank loans, the government grants, the private investors, the shareholders, the crowd funding and even the bootstrapping.

Self-Financing is finding a simple, efficient and low-cost vehicle to generate revenues, which in turn are used to finance yourself in a business or personal project.



Phoenix Alliance offers a 6-week hands-on business training, comprised of three components:




1. The Business Training Classes

You register in the Phoenix Alliance training, FREE OF CHARGE ($1500 value).
You purchase a Usana Health Sciences home-based franchise to practice your newly acquired hands-on skills
.    ($2100, all taxes and fees included).
You attend the Business Training Classes every week.
The training teaches you to develop this home-based franchise and make it profitable by the end of the 6 weeks.
This business belongs to you and will serve two purposes:

A – The experience of building this business is your «guinea pig» or «paid internship».
You can transfer this entrepreneurial experience to any other business project.

B – The residual income generated by this business is your «cash cow».
You can use the residual income to self-finance anything you want, completely autonomously.


2. The Business Presentations and Networking Events

You attend a Phoenix Alliance Business Presentation every week.
The presentation evening is coupled with a Networking Event.
These evenings will serve two purposes:

A – The Business Presentation explains what Phoenix Alliance and Usana are all about.
You can take prospective business partners, and have experienced speakers do the work for you.
This part of the evening helps you develop your Usana «guinea pig» business.

B – The Networking Event is opened to business people from all industries. 
You can meet interesting entrepreneurs, make valuable connections and grow your network.
This part of the evening helps you develop your other «original» business project.


3. The Specialized Seminars

Optionally, you may attend a Specialized Seminar hosted by Phoenix Alliance every week.
These seminars cover business topics relating to law, science, women, education, entrepreneurship, finance, mlm, network marketing, psychology, and more.
These evenings will serve two purposes:

A – These seminars will serve as a general entrepreneurship class, applicable to any and all types of businesses, and complementing the more specific and hands-on Business Training Classes.

B – You will meet with other like-minded entrepreneurs.

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