
The Entrepreneur Gene

The Entrepreneur GeneIn order to find out if there actually is a physiological entrepreneur gene, or if it is simply a clever expression to categorize the people who have a knack for succeeding in business, we have to navigate through a very large amount of research, books, essays, blogs and interviews.

To make things even more interesting, this subject sparks up a debate which has always been very hot: the controversial «Nature vs. Nurture» idea. Generally, there are firm believers of three different theories; 100% Nature, 100% Nurture, and 50% of both Nature and Nurture. But in this case, who’s right; some, all, or maybe none!

Follow me on the exploratory path of this question, which will eventually have a great impact on every aspect of the business world, especially for the financial decision-makers who must be very efficient at recognizing the patterns underlying their decisions about which entrepreneurs to finance.

Ideologies are definitively the fuel of discussions … but in the end, money talks.

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